These DIY angel ornaments are perfect for your tree and to hand out as a gift. We are adding them to our cookie baskets this year for something extra special. It is always necessary to add some extra joy in 2020. They can also be used as a topper in your gift wrapping! The possibilities are endless.

While you are here, make sure to check out my DIY orange garland too if you want to see more DIY Christmas decor. Also, see how we are creating a more intentional Christmas together this year. Okay, let’s get started.
Here are the supplies you will need
- Craft paper, I just used our craft wrapping paper
- Twine
- 1″ wood beads
- Glue stick
- Scissors
- Ruler

First, you need to measure and cut your paper to be about 12 inches wide and 8 inches tall.

Next, fold your paper 1/3 of the way and cut along that line.

After you cut on your line, fold the paper like a fan. Does this part bring you back to elementary school?

Next, leaving them folded like a fan fold them in half. Then string the twine into your wood bead like shown below. Finally, put both papers into the little loop created with the twine.
Push the bead tight to the body of the angel. I tied the string 3-4 times on the top of the head to help keep it in place but this part is not necessary. Lastly, glue the two bottom parts of the angle together and tie the top of the string. You can also glue the top paper to the bottom paper but I did not find that necessary.

All done! I hope you enjoyed, my daughter had so much fun helping me with this project. Please tag me in your creations on Instagram and Pin this for later! Merry Christmas, friends I hope it is full of hygge.